Keep A Positive Outlook


One of the most important characteristics among happy, successful people is maintaining a positive focus on life. The following are several ways to keep your mind in positive focus:

  1. Keep your mind fixed on your goals.
  2. Laugh in the face of adversity.
  3. Never dwell on misfortunes–they are mental depressants.
  4. Believe in your abilities to succeed–and in yourself!
  5. Cherish each moment.
  6. Associate with people who have a positive outlook.
  7. Learn from those who have what you want to have.
  8. Setbacks are temporary. Failure is only a mental state.
  9. Embrace opposition. From it you gain strength and wisdom.
  10. Complacency is worse than death. Avoid it like the plague.
  11. Never, never give up! Always go the extra mile.
  12. Treat each experience as another step towards your dreams.
  13. Be wary of self-imposed limitations. They deter growth.
  14. Commitment, action, and self-esteem determine your outcomes.
  15. Believe in your right and destiny for happiness and success.